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"Be the Ball" - Sponsor
This level will get your logo on a 2 pack of Golf Balls & Tees for participants, plus a logo'd yard sign for $1500

Get No Respect?
Big Rodney D Sponsors will get the respect they deserve!
This option provides golfers with logo'd 1 color koozies, plus a logo'd yard sign for $1000

As a Carl Spackler Groundskeeper Sponsor
You will Sponsor the Poker Tournament which includes logo'd Scorecards & Grand Prize in your name, (plus logo'd yard sign) = $500
Dancing Gopher Sponsor!
Get everyone's groove on by sponsoring the Logo'd Swag Bags for participants = $250
Caddy Shack Level 1
Hole Sponsors Receive logo on hole sign, website, & printed material, all for $150